Get seven good friends together at 5 am... Dave and Arlene, Lynn and Dave, John and Joan, and Jan (she took the pic)
| ...pack up the car...
| ...and take a picture of every state as you drive from Canada to Florida! (I got W. Virginia)
Our rental backed on to this canal...
| ...we lowered the boat, loaded our gear...
| ...and headed out to dive. It was awesome! (Except for the time we ran out out gas!!)
We passed a research station...
| ...saw a couple dolphins jump!... look close, my super telephoto lens caught the jump :-)
| and arrived at the dive site buoy, with another Keys diveboat..
A baracuda watches us do our backroll...
| Jan and Lynn check out the scenery...
| ...and look up to see a school of baracuda.
We look up and see our dive boat...
| ...and then see some other power boat zoom directly over us with prop spinning! (Fast shutter speed freezes the motion.)
| Jan says, "I can't believe how stupid some boaters are!"
A beautiful school of bluestriped and white grunts.
| Common and plentiful throughout the Keys...
| ...these are beautiful fish.
"We dove our brains out." :-)
| Boulder coral
| Soft coral with polyps extended.
Yellowtail parrotfish, initial phase
| Rock beauty
| Gray anglefish
Dave Steadman watches a midnight parrotfish...
| ...have a meal of chomping on coral.
| Beautiful soft coral seascape.
Beautiful underwater topography...
| ...of sand and coral.
| A giant apple?
Hogfish, young intermediate, at a cleaning station.
| Trunkfish
| Black grouper
Channel clinging crab. (Feeding)
| Silversides with a black margate in the background.
| Another school of bluestriped grunts.
Common snook
| Blue tang
| Spotted drum
Sargeant majors and grunts amidst elkhorn coral.
| Spiny lobster
| Black grouper
Something you don't see very often... a parrotfish with a sharksucker attached.
| ...another view of the sharksucker...
| and a bluehead shadow feeds.
A scorpion fish hides with its cameoflage.
| Beautiful bubbles
| We dove "Pickel Barrel Wreck". Carrying cement in pickel barrels, the concrete shapes are now a lasting memorial!
An open-heart surgery seems to have been interrupted.
| Elephant ear sponge. (Or is it cauliflower ear sponge?)
| A blind sea monster's head.
We find another parrotfish with a sharksucker.
| Another beautiful school of bluestripped grunts...
| ...up close.
The sargeant majors were frantic protecting their eggs.
| They definitely didn't like me getting this close.
| Spanish grunt
Another gorgeous seascape.
| Jan takes a picture.
| Tube sponges.
A nudibranch! This one is a red-tipped sea goddess.
| Moray eel
| Banded shrimp
Jan finds a little budda holding up a boulder coral!
| Bizarrly, it was gone the next time we dove this reef!
| Everyone loves finding a scorpion fish. This one wasn't exactly using his camouflage to best advantage!
Spanish hogfish
| Banded butterfly fish
| Porkfish
Leafy flat-blade alga
| Flamingo tongue (Gently touch the carapace and watch it withdraw back into the shell.)
| Loggerhead sponge
Beautiful school of bluestriped grunts.
| Beautiful school of tupe sponges.
| Beautiful school of schoolmasters.
Now he's got his camouflage working!
| Another parrot fish with a sharksucker! This one is sleeping. (night dive)
| Scorpion fish have such gorgeous pectoral fins.
Hawksbill turtle
| Yellowline arrow crab
| Channel clinging grab
Roughlip cardinalfish The Humann and DeLoach Fish ID book states: Abundance and Distribution: Occasional Bahamas, northwestern Caribbean. Not reported Florida or balance of Caribbean. "Hey, I'm reporting it!" (Or maybe this is just the common Flamefish [pale phase])
| This was the vis on the last day of our 10 day stay!
| Longspine squirelfish
Jan and I did a dive at the Jules Vern undersea lodge site.
| Exterior
| Interior
Transfer module
| Control room
| Someone's cute mailbox :-)
If you're in the Keys you gotta stop at the Pelican Sanctuary
| At feeding time, look out! It's every pelican for him/her self!
| If you've got the nerve, anyone is welcome to "toss out the grub!" Jan's got the nerve, and I'm happy to stay behind my camera. :-)
It was bird chaos!
| "burp"
| "Hey! Will you guys keep the noise down!"
At the end of our stay, my log book had reached 199 dives. I called this dive #200!
| "Come-on in, the water's great!"
| "What a great holiday!" (But we gotta go home.)